Subjects discussed included: How I eat, Avocado oil, Dairy Sensitivity, Protein Restriction, Problems with Plant Foods and The difference Between Pleasure and Happiness and It’s Relationship to Addictions.
Don’t miss the next Conference Call on Thursday October 12th. There will be 2 calls that day one beginning at 8AM Pacific Standard Time for morning folks and one at 6PM Pacific Standard Time for evening folks. Thats 11AM and 9PM Eastern Standard time. The dial in number will be (319) 527-3262. Feel free to email questions in advance to (please specify which call you would like to hear them discussed on).
Listen to the call by pressing the triangle below (Show Notes are below):
Download MP3 of the call by clicking THIS LINK
00:00: Introduction, my background and goals.
02:47: How I eat.
04:11: Question – What is my opinion of olive oil? It’s one of the best plant oils but animal oils are better because they contain more bioavailable omega-3 fatty acids because our bodies can only convert 10% or less of the plant omega-3’s we eat to a usable form. Here’s the study showing that. Here is my post on Animal fats versus Plant fats.
07:17: Question – How does someone with a dairy sensitivity add fat to their diet?
10:31: Aged Cheese high in Vitamin K2 and bioavailable Calcium article.
14:27 How I get enough fat.
18:47: Question – How much protein should I eat?
24:25: I discuss how I make Tartar Sauce with butter, eggs, salt and dill pickle relish with an imersion blender.
26:03: Question – How do I calculate my maximum recommended protein level and is there a downside to eating plant foods?
30:06: Promised link to Dr. Georgia Ede’s Lecture on the dangers of eating plant foods called “Little Shop of Horrors”.
33:21: Last Question – How to Transfer from a Vegan diet to Zero Carb?
34:20: My post on why I think that a high fiber diet raises the risk of autoimmune diseases.
35:00: I discuss how a phobia of fat can cause symptoms that people attribute to fat when it is really due to the stress caused by eating something they are afraid of. My post on MindBody Disorders like that.
40:00: I summarize this Video Interview with Dr. Robert Lustig who discusses his new book “The Hacking of the American Mind” in which he gives his opinion on how the processed food industry has used advertising propaganda to addict the American population to sugar.
46:09: Link to an interview with Dr. Richard Gevirtz on how he uses resonant breathing determined by monitoring to lower stress and heal many mindbody disorders.
48:26: According to the Wikipedia article on Tryptophan Eggs, fish, cheese, pork, turkey, chicken, beef and lamb are all rich sources of tryptophan and in the top 10 riches sources in grams of tryptophan per 100 grams of food.
Hi Doc, I have a question…I would like trying a month of Protein and Fat only but I’m concerned that my Insulin may go up quite a bit because Protein raises Insulin Levels. How do I avoid this?
On average, Patricia, protein raises insulin about 50-75% as much as carbohydrate, ounce for ounce, so getting rid of the carbs is a step in the right direction. Also fat combined with either carbs or protein decreases the insulin response somewhat so the more fat the better. Getting 70-80% of your calories from fat will so satisfy your hunger that you will find it hard to overeat protein it will be so much easier not eat between meals because fatty foods “stick with you” so much longer than carbs or protein foods. You’re not hungry nearly as soon after a really fatty meal. Butter is your friend and is delicious with almost everything.
Hi Doc,
I started this zero carb way of eating three days ago. I have been doing intermittent fasting for about 4 months now (I usually fast for 20 hours and eat during a 4 hour window daily). Whenever I ate a meal that is too high in carbs and sugar in the past, I always felt extremely sluggish and fatigued after. However, after switching to ZC, I still feel the same way after eating my first big meal of the day consisting of only protein and fat. I’m wondering why this is happening. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Tracy, I did one meal a day intermittent fasting for a couple of months but went back to a six hour window with 2 meals because I found eating so much food in one meal drew so much of my bodies energy to the gut to digest it that I literally went into a “food coma” some days. I think once a day can work for people who are not that active and don’t require as many calories, but I like to hike up mountains, play singles tennis for several hours and that does require fuel. If the sluggish feeling is there even when you’re eating more frequently then you have to start thinking about other causes like poor sleep due to stimulants (caffeine), blue light exposure after sundown (TV’s and Computers), sleep apnea if you are overweight etc. This would be a great thing to discuss in my Facebook Group “Zero Carb Doc” if you do Facebook. Or we could discuss it in the comments section here if you prefer. Thanks for listening to the conference call. I will be having the next conference calls November 9th (2017) at 8AM PST and November 16th at 6PM PST and we could talk about it then. Thanks again for your comment.