Curriculum Vitae
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Hi, my name is Paul Mabry. I’m a retired Family Medicine doctor born in 1950 so I’ve seen a lot of things in my life. The Reader’s Digest biography is that I was born inTexas farming country outside Houston, moved to a top notch School District when I was 12, Joined the Navy when I was 19 and was trained as a Russian Linguist, spent 3 years in Japan flying on EC-121s/P3’s and crewing submarines to intercept communications along the Russian coast, worked at the Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston for 2 years to support the Joint Space Mission with the Russians called “Apollo-Soyuz”, went back to college winding up with 3 degrees (BA in Spanish Literature, BS in Biology and a BS in Medical Technology). I then completed Medical School rejoined the Navy and did my Internship at Bethesda Naval Hospital. After 9 years as a doctor in the Navy including a deployment to a field hospital in the Saudi Desert during the First Gulf War I returned to civilian practice to give my autistic daughter more stability and completed a Family Medicine Residency at St. Clare’s Hospital in Schenectady, NY. In 2001 I joined the New York Army National Guard and did 2 deployments to Iraq, 1 deployment to Afghanistan (almost 2 years total in combat zones). I switched to the active duty Army and retired with 26 years of total service. I have since had a career writing and producing Audiobooks under the pseudonym “Somerset Hamilton”. You can hear samples of the 5 Audiobooks I have for sale on and iTunes at THIS LINK. I have just taken a job as a Junior Varsity Tennis Coach at Rio Rancho High School near my house. This year I attended both national low carb conferences (Breckenridge and San Diego) and summarized the presentation of every speaker which you can view here. I play my piano at least an hour a day (Here’s a 2 minute video I made of my wife and daughter feeding the duck while a fierce predator cat stalks them, that’s me on the piano too), play tennis 3-4 times per week minimum , hike frequently in local parks including 3 trips to the top of the Sandia Mountains overlooking Albuquerque with my daughter this summer (which is a minimum 7 mile, 4,500 ft vertical rise hike), work on old cars and motorcycles (I did this video on replacing the Cam Position sensor in a 2008 Aveo that to date has 241,000 views). My Zero Carb Cassarole video has 441,000 view to date. You can reach my list of videos which now include many of the lectures I have given to my residents at this link. and a , and blog on health and nutrition topics among many other hobbies. At 70 years young all this activity is fueled by a high fat, moderate protein Zero Carb diet plus intermittent fasting.
In the Summer of 2018 I decided to return to the active practice medicine and to teach in some capacity. I did over 300 hours of continuing medical education credits, passed the board certification examination of the American Board of Family medicine and did a 1 month supervised preceptorship after which my Texas Medical License was returned to active status. I have since also received an active license in New Mexico. I am now a core faculty in the Texoma Family Medicine Residency and living in Denison, Texas. It was definitely worth it, I love teaching and seeing patients again. I have designed and implemented a low carb diet program called “The U-Turn Diet”.

Before and After Low Carb

Hiking the Sandias with my daughter

Medaling in a tennis tournament with my son

Rebuilding the motor for my 66 VW bug

Working on one of my motorcycles
Starting the VW engine for the first time.

My brand new Yamaha B1 with sheet music displayed on an 18″ tablet

Putting on the Uniform again for my friends retirement 12/2017

Somerset Hamilton in his Studio

With Gary Taubes

Me with Eric Westman (left) and Andreas Eenfeldt (right)

With Peter Ballerstedt

With Gary Fettke and his wife

With Nina Teicholz

With L Amber O’Hearn

With Stephen PHinney

With Sarah Hallberg

With John Lundell

With Georgia Ede

With Joe Otto (left), Kelly Hogan (right)

With Ivor Cummins
Now is the time