Converting to and from American and European Lab Values.
Over the years the units used to measure such common lab tests as blood sugar and Cholesterol in Europe and America have diverged. It can sometimes be tricky to convert from one to the other. Here are some conversion factors I have collected.
To Covert from the European Millimoles per liter (mmol) system to the American Milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl) system For triglycerides multiply mmol/L value by 88.57 For total, HDL, and LDL cholesterol multiply mmol/L value by 38.67 To convert umol (micromoles) /l of creatinine to mg/dl, divide by 88.57
Glucose (blood sugar) multiply mmol/L value by 18
To convert from the American system to the European system
For Triglycerides divide the American (mg/dl) value by 88.57
For total, HDL and LDL cholesterol divide the American mg/dl value by 38.67
For creatinine divided the American (mg/dl) value by 88